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Student Policies

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is the federal law that governs release of and access to student education records. These rights include:

  1. The right to inspect and review your educational record within a reasonable time after the College receives a request for access. If you want to review your record, contact the Office of Student Services to make appropriate arrangements.
  2. The right to request an amendment of your educational record if you believe it is inaccurate or misleading. If you feel there is an error in your record, you should submit a statement to the Director of Student Services, clearly identifying the part of the record you want changed and why you believe it is inaccurate or misleading. The Director will notify you of the decision and advise you regarding appropriate steps should you disagree with the decision.
  3. The right to consent to disclosure of personally identifiable information contained in your educational records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent. One exception which permits disclosure without consent is disclosure to school officials with “legitimate educational interests.” A school official has a legitimate educational interest if the school official has “a need to know” information from your education record in order to fulfill his or her official responsibilities. Examples of people who may have access, depending on their official duties, and only within the context of those duties, include college faculty and staff, agents of the institution or who serve on official institutional committees, and representatives of agencies under contract with the College.
  4. The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by the College to comply with the requirements of FERPA.


UA Cossatot prohibits release of student record information without the student’s expressed, written consent. Schools may disclose, without consent “directory” information such as a student’s name, address, telephone number, date and place of birth, honors and awards, and dates of attendance. Schools must inform eligible students about directory information and allow students a reasonable amount of time to request that the College not disclose directory information about them. To do so, you must complete a “Request for Non-Disclosure of Directory Information” form, which is 36 available from the Office of Student Services. Please note two important details regarding placing a “No Release” on your record:

  • UA Cossatot receives many inquiries for directory information from a variety of sources outside the institution, including friends, parents, relatives, prospective employers, the news media, and honor societies. Having a “No Release” on your record will preclude release of such information, even to those people.
  • A “No Release” applies to all elements of directory information on your record. UA Cossatot does not apply a “No Release” differentially to the various directory information data elements.


Schools must notify eligible students of rights under FERPA. The actual means of notification (letter, catalog, and website) is left to the discretion of the College. For a copy of the Act, more details about your rights, or additional information on College policies related to the Act, please refer to the Office of Student Services or visit the website at Student Life/Consumer Information

Questions concerning FERPA should be referred to the Office of Student Services.


*Only students should request/submit FERPA waivers allowing access to their records.

The college recognizes the correlation between student attendance and student retention, achievement and success. Any class session or activity missed, regardless of cause, reduces the opportunity for learning and may adversely affect a student’s achievement. Non-attendance may impact a student’s financial aid. The college requires that instructors take and timely report student attendance.

Students are expected to attend all class sessions and laboratory periods for which they are enrolled. The class instructor defines circumstances under which an absence may be excused and absences are generally an individual matter between the student and instructor. Each instructor shall, in writing, at the beginning of each semester make clear to the students in the course the expectations regarding attendance. The attendance policy is located in syllabi or program handbooks. Students are responsible to instructors for class attendance and for any class work missed during an absence. Students are responsible for contacting instructors regarding work missed. Make-up assignments are only permitted with the approval of the instructor. Students who will be absent from class due to participation in athletics or a collegesponsored activity are responsible for completing all required coursework as provided by the instructor. The instructor determines how in-class activities associated with an absence(s) can be accommodated.

Instructors reserve the right to drop or withdraw students from classes due to lack of attendance at the point that a student has missed 25% of the class. Courses meeting twice a week correlates to 7 days; courses meeting once a week correlates to 4 days; online and summer courses correlate to 4 days. Certain programs may require more stringent attendance requirements.

Students are required to establish initial attendance in physical classes by the second week of class and in virtual classes by making a substantial contribution by the census day of the semester. [tenth class day for sixteen week term, fourth day of class for eight week term, second day of class for four week term]. The instructor determines a substantial contribution as a homework assignment, a quiz or test, or an appropriately involved discussion board posting.

Students failing to establish initial attendance by the census date of the semester will be reported as “no-shows” by their instructor. [tenth class day for sixteen week term, fourth day of class for eight week term, second day of class for four week term]. Student attendance in virtual classes will be established by weekly substantial contributions as defined above.

Students who wish to withdraw from a course must contact Student Services and/or the instructor to complete the drop process. Failure to withdraw can result in an “F” being posted on the student’s transcript.

Updated July 2020

UA Cossatot holds academic integrity, respect for ideas, and intellectual property as a valuable component in academic studies. UA Cossatot insists that all students approach their studies and their relationships with faculty, staff and other students honestly. Dishonesty will not be tolerated and students will be held accountable for violations. Students, faculty, and staff share responsibility with regard to authentic expression of ideas. The faculty and administration have established and follow procedures that address the student’s behavior or, as a last resort, removes the student from the institution. Each member of the College staff adhere rigorously to this policy and its procedures

Academic Integrity is defined as: a commitment to five fundamental values: honesty, trust, fairness, respect, and responsibility. Academic dishonesty includes any act that gives an unfair advantage or is damaging to the reputation or performance of the academic community. Such acts may include, but are not limited to:

I. Cheating

a) Collaborating with or seeking aid from another student during an examination, quiz, laboratory experiment, or any other academic exercise in which the student is not expressly permitted to work jointly with others.
b) Using any device, implement, or other form of study aid during an examination, quiz, laboratory experiment, or any other academic exercise without the faculty member's permission.
c) Substituting for another student or permitting another student to substitute for oneself, to take a test or other assignment or to make a presentation.
d) Copying from the examination or work of another person or source.

II. Theft or Falsification

a) Theft of or unauthorized access to an exam, answer key or other graded work from previous course offerings or online resources.
b) Submission or use of falsified data.
c) Using false statements to obtain additional time or other accommodation.
d) Misrepresenting facts (e.g., providing false information to postpone an exam, obtain an extended deadline for an assignment, or even gain an unearned financial benefit)
e) Unauthorized alteration or invention of any information or citation in an academic exercise. Falsification involves altering information for use in any academic exercise. Fabrication involves inventing or counterfeiting information for use in any academic exercise.

III. Multiple Submissions

a) Submitting essentially the same written assignment for two courses without authorization

IV. Abuse of resource materials

a) Mutilating, destroying, concealing, or stealing material or property of the institution.

V. Plagiarism

Plagiarism is defined as the representation of the words or ideas of another as one's own in any academic work. Plagiarism includes:
a) Not properly identifying and citing direct quotations
b) Failing to include citations for material paraphrased or summarized from any source
c) Omission of a Works Cited or Reference page.

VI. Any other acts (or attempted acts) that violate the basic standard of academic integrity or helping another to commit an act of academic misconduct.

Instructors reserve the right to determine punishment at the course level. Instructors will submit the completed Academic Integrity Form to the Vice Chancellor of Academics, who holds records of all offenses within the institution. The Vice Chancellor of Academics will then respond to the offense at the institutional level.

Possible disciplinary actions may include:

A. Warning: Instructors reserve the right to give a warning to the student, lower the grade, or assign an F in the course, according to the instructor’s discretion and determination of the severity of the offense. When a final exam is involved, the offense automatically moves to the most severe. Instructors may also require the student to complete the Academic Integrity Course at the Educational Resource Center to address the problem. Instructors must file all offense reports and the disciplinary action with the Office of the Vice Chancellor of Academics.

B. Completion of the Academic Integrity Course: The Vice Chancellor of Academics, on behalf of the institution, may require the student to complete the Academic Integrity Course through the E.R.C. During this the student may be placed on an Academic Integrity Hold by the Vice Chancellor of Academics until requirements are met. The hold will be removed and the student will be allowed to register once requirements are completed in full.

C. Probation: During probation, a student may still enroll and attend classes and participate in college events and programs; however, organization, department, divisional, or national bylaws or policies may prevent students from participation in a leadership or organizational role. During probation the student may be placed on an Academic Integrity Hold by the Vice Chancellor of Academics. The student must receive approval from the Vice Chancellor of Academics to enroll in courses during the probationary period. Once this period concludes without additional acts of misconduct, the student is returned to good standing with the UA Cossatot.

D. Suspension: During the one-year period of suspension, the student is considered not to be in good standing with the College and is not allowed to attend classes or participate in college related events and programs. Once this period concludes without additional acts of misconduct, the student is returned to good standing with the College.

E. Expulsion: The student may not enroll again at any UA Cossatot campus

Updated July 2020

Non-Grade Issues

UA Cossatot does not tolerate actions by students or staff that interfere with student learning and safety. Students have the right to grieve an action by an employee or another student if the action related to improper conduct includes but is not limited to harassment of any kind, bullying, threatening another individual or the college, or terroristic threats.

Complaints for issues unrelated to improper conduct may be made to the appropriate Division Chair or program director who then has the ultimate responsibility to resolve the complaint.

Refer to Policy and Procedure 216 for Title IX Complaints.


Grade Issues

If a student believes an error in a grade has occurred, the student should initiate a review of the grade no later than three business days of grade being posted. If the course is a FLEX or part of a medical program, the student should be initiate a review of the grade within twenty-four hours of the grade being posted.

Steps to be used in a formal, grade related appeal can be found in the Student Handbook and Catalog. The most up-to-date version will always be available online under student life—student policies.


Some appeals require an appeals committee to be developed.

The Student Appeals Committee exists to review and make recommendations regarding matters of student appeals. Members include the Vice Chancellor for Academic Services, Vice Chancellor of Business Services or designee, two faculty members, one chosen by the student and one by the Vice Chancellor for Academic Services, and a Student Ambassador or a designee.


If a student has a complaint regarding processes or practices at UA Cossatot, he or she should discuss such with an instructor, advisor, program director, or Division Chair. Students have the right to grieve an action by an individual if the complaint relates to improper conduct including, but not limited to, harassment of any kind, bullying, threatening another individual or the college, terroristic threats or behavior and other forms of improper conduct that lowers the existence of another person.

If a formal appeal is submitted, as part of due process, the following steps should be used in any formal complaint or appeal, with the exception of a Title IX complaint, which follow Policy and Procedure 216.

  1. The student must present the complaint verbally within five business days of the alleged incident to the Division Chair or program director. The specific complaint and remedies sought should be included.
  2. If unsatisfied with the response, the student must present the complaint in written form within five business days following the response from the Chair or director to the Vice Chancellor of Academics and include the specific appeal/complaint and specific remedies sought.
  3. The Vice Chancellor of Academics has five business days in which to investigate and respond in written form.
  4. If unsatisfied with the response, the student may again appeal within five business days to the Vice Chancellor of Academics who will refer the appeal to the Student Appeals Committee who must respond in writing within five business days.
  5. If the student is unsatisfied with this result, an appeal may be made within five business days to the Chancellor, who will hear the complaint and render a decision within ten business days.

The student should continue required coursework during this process. Any penalties normally assessed during a student's absence will also be applied during the appeals process. This includes, but is not limited to, absences, tardies, late exam penalties, etc.

Accommodations for special needs are determined on an as-needed, individual basis. Interpreters, readers, note-takers, etc., are available to assist in the hearing and appeals process.  Please contact Disability Services to request accommodations.


If a student believes an error in a grade has occurred, the student should formally initiate a review of the grade no later than three business days of grade being posted. If the course is a FLEX the student should initiate a review of the grade within twenty-four hours of the grade being posted.

  1. The student should submit the appeal petition form, which is available on the website, within the required timeframe to the Vice Chancellor of Academics. The Vice Chancellor will provide the appeal to the Division Chair and faculty member. The completeness and accuracy of the grade will be reviewed by the Division Chair and faculty. The Division Chair will respond to the student in writing of the appeal status within two business days of receiving the appeal.
  2. If the student is unsatisfied with the response, the student must submit a second appeal petition form to the Vice Chancellor of Academics within two business days of receiving the response. All information from the initial petition must be included. The Vice Chancellor of Academics has the responsibility to research the situation and will respond to the student in writing within two business days of receiving the student’s request. 
  3. If the student is unsatisfied and wishes to further appeal, the student should contact the Vice Chancellor of Academics requesting a hearing by the Student Appeals Committee. At the hearing, the instructor and the student may both make individual presentations, and the Student Appeals Committee may ask questions and seek clarification. The committee will make the final decision, and the Vice Chancellor of Academics will provide the final written decision. In the event of a grade change, the final grade will be recorded by the Registrar as directed by the Vice Chancellor of Academics.


Medical Education programs have specific policies and procedures.  Students are required to be compliant to ensure each program meets approving bodies and safety standards. When students are in violation of these policies, disciplinary actions will occur.  These actions are specifically outlined in each program student handbook/guide.  As a part of due process, a student has a right to appeal program actions taken.  The following steps should be used in any formal appeal.  The college holds a non-retaliation stance for all parties in the event an appeal is submitted.

  1. The student must present the appeal in writing within 24 hours of the discipline or dismissal to the Program Director and Division Chair. The appeal and remedies sought should be included.  The appeal will be reviewed by the Medical Education Ad-Hoc committee with a decision rendered.
  2. If unsatisfied with the response, the student must present the appeal in writing within 24 hours following the response to the Vice Chancellor for Academic Services and include the specific appeal and remedies sought.  The appeal will be reviewed by the Vice Chancellor for Academic Services with a decision rendered.
  3. If unsatisfied with the response, the student may again appeal within 24 hours to the Vice Chancellor for Academic Services who will refer the appeal to the Student Appeals committee.  The appeal will be reviewed with a decision rendered.
  4. If the student is unsatisfied with this result, a final appeal may be made within 24 hours to the Chancellor, who will hear the appeal and render a decision.

*Interpreters, readers, note-takers, etc., may be requested to assist in the appeals process. Please contact the Disability Services Advisor to request accommodations.

The student should continue required coursework during this process. Any penalties normally assessed during a student’s appeal process will be applied.  This includes but is not limited to: missed absences, tardiness, late exam penalties, etc. This does not apply to students who have been dismissed due to violation of safety standards.



If an individual has a complaint regarding processes or practices at UA Cossatot, he or she should discuss such with the Vice Chancellor for Academics, Vice Chancellor for Facilities, or Chancellor. Individuals have the right to make a complaint on an action by an individual of the college community or facility of the college. A complaint may relate to improper conduct of a current UA Cossatot student that is in uniform during the time of the conduct in question which may include, but not limited to, harassment of any kind, bullying, threatening another individual or the college, terroristic threats or behavior and other forms of improper conduct that lowers the existence of another person.

If a formal appeal is submitted, as part of due process, the following steps should be used in any formal complaint or appeal, with the exception of a Title IX complaint, which follow Policy and Procedure 216.

  1. The individual must present the complaint verbally or written within five business days of the alleged incident to the Vice Chancellor for Academics, Vice Chancellor for Facilities, or Chancellor. The individual receiving the complaint verbally should document the discussion in full.

The College has five business days in which to investigate and respond in written form

Please use this form to submit any compliants. 


Appeal Form

updated May 10, 2024

Please note, for students enrolled in online programs who reside outside of Arkansas, grievances should first be directed to UA Cossatot through the above process and then to the Arkansas Department of Higher Education if necesssary.

Students must maintain a cumulative G.P.A. of 2.0 to achieve satisfactory academic progress (S.A.P.). Failure to maintain a cumulative 2.0 G.P.A. will result in the student being placed on academic probation. If the grade level performance does not improve within the next semester, the student may be placed on suspension for a period of one regular semester. Upon readmission, the student will be on academic probation and must meet the guidelines set forth or be dismissed.

Students on probation or those returning from suspension must work with a success coach from Student Services. The success coach will work closely with the student, advisor, and instructors to develop a plan to support the student and increase the opportunity for success.

Plans of action may vary from student to student and may include things such as tutoring sessions, visits to the Student Success Center, meetings with advisor, etc.

Students on suspension or probation from another institution must follow the same guidelines detailed above.

To appeal an academic probation or suspension, the student must submit a typed request similar to that of a formal grade grievance to the Vice Chancellor for Academic Services.

UA Cossatot is committed to the academic achievement, growth, and development of its students, and 
the wellness and safety of the members of its community. In addition, the College is committed to 
preserving peace, maintaining a civil and respectful academic atmosphere, supporting a moral and 
just climate, and protecting its property and that of its community members. The College, 
therefore, has established this Student Code of Conduct to communicate its expectations of students 
as positive members of the College community and to ensure a fair process for determining 
responsibility and appropriate actions when a student’s behavior may have deviated from these 
expectations. The Vice Chancellor for Academic Services serves as the Dean of Students and holds 
authority for student disciplinary actions. When a violation is reported, the Dean of Students will 
investigate the matter and follow the established procedures for resolution.

Prohibited Conduct
Although not exclusive, the following actions, activities, behaviors, or attempts are expressly 

1. Acts of dishonesty, including but not limited to, the following:
a) Cheating, plagiarism, or other forms of academic dishonesty as described in the College Policy 
532 Student Academic Integrity;
b) Knowingly furnishing or possessing false, falsified or forged materials, documents, accounts, 
records, identification or financial instruments;
c) Having false or misleading information furnished to the College through a third party on behalf 
of the student; and/or
d) Forging, altering, or misusing any College document, record, or instrument of identification.

2. Disorderly or disruptive conduct: violent, abusive, indecent, unreasonably loud, or otherwise 
disorderly conduct (e.g., causes alarm, concern, or nuisance) that interferes with College 
activities, College officials, or with the legitimate activities of any member of the College 
community. While the College provides a public place for discussion, dissent, and demonstration, 
guidelines for the expression of free speech exclude the use of violence, intimidation, disruption 
of classes, takeover of buildings, interference with campus communication, or any other activity 
that interferes with the ability of students, faculty, or staff to perform their work.

3. Sexual misconduct and/or sexual assault: Sexual misconduct refers to physical contact or other 
non- physical conduct of a sexual nature in the absence of clear, knowing and voluntary consent. 
This includes sex-based violence and sexual harassment as defined by College Policy 216. Incidents 
of sexual misconduct that fall within the definition of “sexual harassment” prohibited by Title IX 
will be referred to the Title IX Coordinator.

4. Harassing behavior:  any severe or pervasive verbal, written, or electronic communication  or
action that causes a reasonable person to feel emotionally or mentally distressed or frightened. 
Harassment also includes communication or action that creates an intimidating, hostile, or 
offensive learning or working environment, or as described in the College Policy 216. In some 
instances, insisting upon or badgering an instructor for a grade or grade change may constitute 
harassing behavior under this policy.

5. Discriminatory conduct: any conduct that is directed at a person because of their age, color, 
disability, national origin, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, military 
status, or veteran status that creates an intimidating, hostile, offensive learning or working 
environment, or as described in the College Polices 204, 205, and 216.

6. Stalking: engaging in an intentional pattern of unwanted conduct directed at another person that 
threatens or endangers the safety, physical or mental health, or life or property of that person, 
or creates a reasonable fear of such a threat or action and includes cyber stalking, which is 
defined as any type of stalking by any electronic forum.

7. Intimidation or Violence: threatening to cause harm or behaving so as to cause reasonable fear 
of such harm though actions or communications.

8. Endangering behavior: intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly causing or attempting to cause 
physical harm to any person; behaviors that put self or others at risk of harm

9. Theft: attempted or actual theft of property of the College or property of a member of the 
College community or other personal or public property. This includes theft or other abuse of 
computer facilities and resources, including but not limited to:
a) Unauthorized entry into a file to use, read, or change the contents or for any other purpose;
b)   Use of another individual’s identification and/or password;
c) Use of computing facilities and resources to interfere with the work of another student, faculty 
member or College official;
d) Use of computing facilities to send or view obscene images or content, or to send abusive, 
insulting, or profane messages;
e) Use of computing facilities and resources to interfere with normal operation of the College 
computing and/ or email systems;
f)   Use of computing facilities and resources in violation of copyright laws; and/or
g)   Any violation of the College Policy 465 Acceptable Computer Use.

10. Destruction of Property: attempted or actual destruction, defacing, tampering with, materially 
altering or otherwise damaging property not one’s own; and/or creating a condition that endangers 
or threatens property not one’s own.

11. Trespassing/Unauthorized Entry: unauthorized entry or providing another person unauthorized 
access to College premises, buildings, offices, information systems; unauthorized possession, 
duplication or use of keys for any College premises; or continued occupation of any College 
premises after being requested to leave by any College official.

12. Hazing: behavior or attempted behavior, regardless of intent, that endangers the mental or 
physical health of a student as a condition to initiation, admission into, or continued membership 
in any group or organization. For example, behavior that is degrading, causes embarrassment or 
ridicule, or results in destruction of property.

13. Refusal of Reasonable Request: failure to comply with a reasonable request from College 
officials or law enforcement officers acting in performance of their duties and/or failure to 
identify oneself to these persons when requested to do so.

14. Violation of any Federal, State, or Local Laws and College rules/policies: an act or omission 
that constitutes a violation of federal, state, or local laws, and/or College rules or policy, 
which is not otherwise covered in this Code.

15. Possession/Use of Controlled Substances: use, possession, manufacturing, distribution, or being 
under the influence of narcotics, or other controlled substances, and/or related paraphernalia 
while on a UAC campus , or while conducting business on behalf of UAC, except as expressly 
permitted by law.

16. Possession/Use of Alcohol: use, possession, manufacturing, or distribution of alcoholic 
beverages, or public intoxication while on a UAC campus or while conducting business on behalf of 

17. Possession/Use of Weapons: illegal or unauthorized possession, distribution, use, or attempted 
use of firearms, explosives, other weapons including but not limited to slung shots, sand clubs, 
metal knuckles, daggers, dirks, spring blade knives, nun-chu-ka sticks, throwing stars, air guns, 
stun guns, and devices intended to injure a person by an electric shock, or dangerous chemicals on 
College premises.

18. Fire/explosive devices: any action that causes or attempts to cause a fire or explosion 
(including bomb threats), false reporting of a fire; tampering of safety devices; and/or the 
failure to leave a College building during a fire alarm.

19. Gambling: illegal gambling or wagering on UAC property or while participating in a College 
sponsored event or activity.

20. Smoking: smoking or use of tobacco products or electronic cigarettes on College property or in 
a College vehicle in violation of state law or College Policy 782.

21. Retaliation: A student shall not retaliate against any member of the College community who 
files, is the subject of, or participates in the investigation of an incident report, or who brings 
forward a complaint or concern.

22. Abuse of the student conduct system, including but not limited to:
a) Falsification or intentional distortion or misrepresentation of information when reporting an 
incident or before the Student Conduct Administrator and/or a student conduct board;
b) Disruption or interference with the orderly process of a student conduct investigation; 
attempting to discourage an individual’s proper participation in, or use of, the student conduct 
c) Attempting to influence the impartiality of the Student Conduct Administrator and/or a member of 
a student conduct board prior to, and/or during the course of, the student conduct process;
d) Harassment (verbal or physical)and/or intimidation of the Student Conduct Administrator and/or a 
member of the investigation, during, and/or after a student conduct process;
e) Failure to comply with the action(s) imposed under the Student Code of Conduct; and/or
f) Influencing or attempting to influence another person to commit an abuse of the student conduct 

Student Code of Conduct Procedures

Reporting: Any member of the College community may report inappropriate or concerning student 
behavior. A report of the behavior or incident shall be prepared in writing and submitted to the 
Dean of Students/Vice Chancellor for Academics. Reports may be submitted at any time after an 
incident has occurred but should be submitted as soon as possible after the event takes place, 
preferably within 24 hours of occurrence. Students who have an accommodation with the Disability 
Services are entitled to reasonable accommodations for all stages of the student conduct process. 
If possible, requests for accommodations should be made to the Dean of Students at the beginning of 
the process.

Presumption of non-responsibility: Subject to all other provisions of the Code or College Policy, 
any student charged with an infraction under this Code shall be presumed not responsible for a 
violation until determined to be responsible by a preponderance of evidence; for a student to be 
found responsible for a violation, the evidence must indicate that it is more likely than not that 
a violation occurred.
Initial Investigation: Once a report has been received, the Dean of Students or his/her designee 
will make an initial determination as to whether there is sufficient basis to believe that a policy 
violation(s) of the Student Code of Conduct has occurred. The Dean of Students may informally 
interview the complainant and or other witnesses may request additional information from the 
complainant as needed. If there are insufficient grounds to believe that a violation occurred, the 
complaint may be dismissed.

Disciplinary Proceedings/Notification: If it is determined that there are sufficient grounds to 
believe that a violation of the Student Code may have occurred, the Dean of Students will proceed 
with formal disciplinary proceedings.

Promptly after the conclusion of the initial investigation, the responding party will receive 
written notice of the alleged violations of the Student Code of Conduct, along with a copy of this 
policy, to the student’s home address by certified mail or delivered in-person. The notice will 
contain a summons for the respondent to appear at a meeting with Dean of Students, with date, time 
and place of the meeting. The meeting should be scheduled within 5 days after the responding 
party’s receipt of the notice, allowing adequate time for the respondent to prepare. At the meeting 
with the Dean, the allegations will be reviewed with the student, and the student will be notified 
of possible sanctions and of the student’s rights and responsibilities under this procedure. The 
student will be given the opportunity to respond to the allegations, and to present any evidence or 
witnesses not already provided for consideration. The student may also submit a written response to 
the allegations. If a responding party does not appear at the Administrative meeting, the Dean of 
Students shall proceed with a determination based on the information available.

Determination: Within 3 business days of the Administrative meeting, the Dean of Students shall 
make a determination of responsibility on the basis of whether it is more likely than not that the 
accused student violated the Code of Student Conduct. Written notice of the decision and any 
sanctions imposed will be delivered by certified mail to the respondent’s home address or in 
person. In situations where a student is found “not responsible” for the charged violations, but it 
is determined that the student would benefit from an educational conversation with appropriate 
University officials, the student may be required to participate in such a conversation.

Appeals: In the event the charged student disagrees with a finding of “responsible” or the 
sanction(s) imposed, the charged student may request an appeal within five (5) business days after 
notification of the decision. Appeals of all decisions shall be submitted in writing to the Dean of 
Students, stating clearly the grounds for appeal and remedies sought. The Dean of Students will 
gather an appeals committee to schedule a hearing. If the student does not appeal within the stated 
time, absent good cause, the decision of the Dean of Students is final.

The appeals committee includes: the Dean of Students (Vice Chancellor for Academics); Vice 
Chancellor for Finance or proxy; Student (selected by VC-A); Faculty or staff (selected by VC- A); 
Faculty or staff (selected by student appealing)

At the hearing, the student charged may be accompanied by one advisor or support person at the 
appeal hearing, which person may be an attorney. The advisor or support person may not speak on 
behalf of the student throughout the appeal hearing proceeding or otherwise participate in the 
hearing, beyond privately communicating with the party that the advisor is supporting. If the 
student has received a suspension of ten (10) or more days or expulsion, the advisor/attorney may 
fully participate during the appeal hearing proceeding.

Following the Appeal Hearing, the Committee will render a decision within five working days. The 
decision by the Dean of Students may be approved, rejected, or modified. The Respondent shall be 
notified of the outcome in writing. The decision rendered by the Committee is final.

The following action(s) or sanctions may be imposed upon any Student after being found responsible 
for violating the Student Code of Conduct:
o Conversation – A conversation with the student regarding the violation and steps to prevent a 
violation from occurring again.
o Warning – A notice in writing to the student that the student is violating or has violated 
institutional regulations.
o Probation – A written reprimand for violation of specified regulations. Probation is for a 
designated period of time and includes the probability of progressively more severe disciplinary 
actions if the student is found to violate any institutional regulation(s) during or after the 
probationary period.
o Loss of Privileges – Denial of specified privileges for a designated period of time.
o Restitution – Compensations for loss, damage, or injury. This may take the form of appropriate 
service and/or monetary or material replacement.
o Discretionary Actions – Work assignments, essays, service to the College, or other related 
discretionary assignments.
o College Suspension – Separation of the student from the College for a definite period of time, 
after which the student is eligible to return. Conditions for readmission may be specified. 
Following a suspension, students must request re-admission to the College. The written request must 
be submitted to the Dean of Students (Vice Chancellor for Academics). To be eligible for 
re-admission, all actions and conditions related to the suspension must be completed. After the 
written request is received, a committee will review the request and meet with the student. As a 
condition of re-admission, a readmission plan may be made. The student will be notified of the 
decision in writing.
o College Expulsion – Permanent separation of the student from the College
o Academic Misconduct Actions – see Policy 532 Student Academic Integrity.

• Sanctions will not ordinarily be imposed until any appeal is concluded and the decision becomes 
• More than one of the actions listed above may be imposed for any single violation. Only 
disciplinary actions resulting from academic misconduct or involving expulsion from the College or 
revocation or withholding of a degree, shall be made part of the student’s permanent academic 
record. All student conduct actions, shall become part of the student’s disciplinary record.

• A Vice Chancellor Hold may be placed on a student account pending the completion or end date of a 

Intervention and/or Removal for Disruptive Student Behaviors

UA Cossatot is committed to the well-being, welfare and safety of the college community and the 
integrity of its learning environment, while balancing the needs and rights of the student. There 
are situations that may arise where the behavior of a student jeopardizes the well-being and or 
safety of the college community and/or the student. This policy has been developed for use by the 
appropriate college officials in handling disruptive student behaviors due to medical, 
psychological, or other reasons. In any case where the behavior of a student, regardless of reason 
or circumstance, substantially disrupts the orderly processes of the classroom or college, and/or 
if a faculty/staff member has reasonable cause to believe the behavior has resulted in or may 
result in threatening, harmful, or disruptive conduct, the faculty/staff member should contact 
Campus Police for immediate assistance. Campus Police are responsible for taking the appropriate 
steps to refer the matter to the Vice Chancellor for Academics and Behavior Intervention team for 
immediate action.
Following assessment and recommendation by the Behavior Intervention team and approval by the VC 
for Academics, a student may be administratively withdrawn and immediately removed from the College 
if it is determined that the student:
• is engaging, or is likely to engage, in behavior that presents a danger or harm to self or 
•    disrupts the learning environment;
•    causes substantial property damage; or
• is unable to o engage in the basic functions and requirements for participation in the education 
program and activities of the College.

Should a student be withdrawn or removed from campus, the student will be notified, either in 
writing or in person, of the reasons for the removal along with any referrals or supportive 
measures, and the conditions for readmission to the College. All records which pertain to the 
student’s personal health information will be kept confidential, as required by law. If the student 
wishes to challenge the withdrawal/ removal, he or she may request a meeting with the VC for 
Academics or Chancellor as appropriate.

This policy does not replace the College’s Student Code of Conduct or disciplinary procedures 
established by the College which governs a student’s behavior in violation of college policies, 
rules, or regulations. Therefore, it does not preclude a student’s immediate removal from the 
college, or any unit, class, facility or program, for disciplinary reasons in accordance with the 
Student Conduct Code where school officials determine that the behavior is more appropriately
ssed under those procedures.

UA Cossatot provides computers, video devices, and Internet services for students’ use as a means to enhance the quality of life of the student, to facilitate learning, and as a means to develop skills needed in the workforce.

Therefore, students are forbidden to use College equipment, computers, or access to the Internet as a means to view, copy, store, create webpages, create screen savers, or any other means to bring to the campus sexually explicit written materials, graphics, or pictorial images that are of a pornographic nature as determined by contemporary standards of the community.

A student who intentionally violates this policy will face disciplinary action by the appropriate Dean and may be dismissed from the College. Illicit pornographic materials and the student will be reported to the appropriate authorities for any criminal action that is determined by authorities to be appropriate. (Also, see College Policy 530.)

This is a summary of College Policy 465. To view the policy in its entirety visit College Policy 465 - Acceptable Computer Use


  1. General Principles
  1. This policy governs the use of computers, networks, and other computing resources at UA Cossatot. These resources are provided by the College to enhance its mission of teaching, research, and public service and to provide access to local, national, and international facilities in achieving these goals. The College is committed to computing and network systems that effectively meet the needs of its users.
  2. Individuals who are granted computing accounts or who use computing resources at the College accept the responsibilities that accompany such access. Each user is expected to use College accounts and resources for educational, research, or administrative purposes; except as otherwise provided in this policy, activities unrelated to these purposes are prohibited. Use of computing resources in violation of the regulations set forth in this policy will be reviewed through established College procedures for student and employee misconduct. Restrictions imposed on usage of computer and network systems may be challenged through the same procedures.
  3. The College is committed to intellectual and academic freedom in connection with its computing and network resources. Computers and networks can provide access to resources on and off campus, including the ability to communicate with other users worldwide. Such open access is a privilege, much like access to books in the library, and requires that individual users act responsibly. Use of computing and network resources should always be legal and ethical, reflect academic honesty, and show restraint in the consumption of shared resources. It should demonstrate respect for intellectual property, ownership of data, system security mechanisms, the right to personal privacy, and to the right of individuals to freedom from intimidation and harassment.
  4. All federal and state laws, as well as general College regulations and policies, are applicable to the use of computing resources. These include, but are not limited to, the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, 20 U.S.C. § 1232g; the Electronic Communications Privacy Act of 1986, 18 U.S.C. §§ 2510 et seq.; the Arkansas Freedom of Information Act, Ark. Code Ann. §§ 25-19-101 et seq.; and state and federal computer fraud statutes, 18 U.S.C. § 1030 and Ark. Code Ann. §§ 5-41-101 et seq. Illegal reproduction of software and other intellectual property protected by U.S. copyright laws and by licensing agreements may result in civil and criminal sanctions.


  1. Administration of Computing Resources
  1. Privacy of Electronic Files
    1. Users do not own accounts on College computers but are granted the privilege of exclusive use of their accounts. Use of College computing resources for storage or transmission of data does not alter any ownership interest of the user in that data, Users are entitled to privacy regarding their computer communications and stored data.
    2. College officials will access electronic files, including e-mail files according to the following list (non-inclusive):
      1. The user consents in writing to such access.
      2. There is a valid search warrant or court order, or a request for electronic records that are open to public inspection under the Arkansas Freedom of Information Act.
      3. There exists an emergency situation in which the   physical   safety   and/or   well-being     of person(s) may be affected or College property may be damaged or destroyed. Responsibility for authorizing access rests with the Director of DISS, Vice Chancellor, or Chancellor.
      4. There exist reasonable grounds to believe that a violation of law or College policy is occurring or has occurred. Access will take place only after a reasonable effort has been made to obtain consent. Responsibility for authorizing access rests with the Director of DISS, Vice Chancellor, or Chancellor.
      5. Access is necessary for maintenance of computers, networks, data, and storage systems. Authorized personnel may routinely monitor and log usage data. In all cases, the privacy rights of users shall be protected to the greatest extent possible.
  1. Use of Computing Resources
  1. In General: This section does not cover every situation involving the proper or improper use of College computing resources; however, it does set forth some of the responsibilities that a person accepts if he or she chooses to use those resources. The purpose of this section is to establish rules for the benefit of all users and encourage responsible use of computing resources.
  2. Use without Authorization Prohibited
    1. No one shall (a) connect with or otherwise use any College computer or modem without proper authorization; (b) assist in, encourage, or conceal any unauthorized use, or attempted unauthorized use, of any College computer or modem; or (c) misrepresent his or her identity or relationship to the College to obtain access to computing resources.
    2. Users shall use only those computing and network resources that have been authorized for their use and must identify computing work with their own names or an approved means of identification so that responsibility for the work can be determined and users contacted, if necessary.
  3. Accounts
    1. Users shall use their accounts for the purposes for which they are established.
    2. Users shall not subvert restrictions associated with their accounts such as levels of access.
    3. No one shall give any password for any College computer or network to any unauthorized person, nor obtain any other person’s password by any unauthorized means. Users are responsible for the use of their computer accounts and shall not allow others access to their accounts, through sharing passwords   or   otherwise.   Users   should    take advantage of system-provided protection measures to prevent such access. Users are required to logoff when done using computer or network resources.
  4. Security and Related Matters
    1. No one shall (a) knowingly endanger or compromise the security of any College computer, network facility, or other computing resource or willfully interfere with others’ authorized computer usage; (b) attempt to circumvent data protection schemes, uncover security loopholes, or decrypt secure data; (c) modify or reconfigure or attempt to modify or reconfigure any software or hardware of any College computer or network facility, no matter where located, or to interfere with others’ legitimate use of any such computing resource.
    2. No one shall attempt to access, copy, or destroy programs or files that belong to other users or to the College without prior authorization, nor shall anyone use College computing resources for unauthorized monitoring of electronic communications.
    3. No one shall create, run, install, or knowingly distribute a computer virus, Trojan Horse, or other surreptitiously destructive program, e-mail, or data via any College computer or network facility, regardless of whether demonstrable harm results.
    4. Users shall not place confidential information in computers without protecting it appropriately. The College cannot guarantee the privacy of computer files, e-mail, or other information stored or transmitted by computer; moreover, the College may access such information in accordance with Part II of this policy.
    5. Users shall not knowingly or recklessly perform any act that will interfere with the normal operation of computers, terminals, peripherals, or networks and shall not intentionally waste or overload computing resources.
  5. Intellectual Property: No one shall copy, install, use, or distribute through College computing resources any photographs, logos, images, graphics, graphic elements, audio, video, software, html markup, data files, or other information in violation of U.S. copyright, trademark, or patent laws or applicable licensing agreements. It is the user’s responsibility to become familiar with the terms and requirements of any such laws or agreements. This subsection does not apply to any material that is in the public domain.
  6. User Communications
    1. Users assume full responsibility for messages that they transmit through College computers and network facilities.
  1. No one shall use the College’s computing resources to transmit fraudulent, defamatory, or obscene messages, or any material prohibited by law.
  2. No one shall use the College’s computing and network resources to: (a) annoy, harass, threaten, intimidate, terrify, or offend another person by conveying offensive language or images or threats of bodily harm to the recipient or the recipient’s immediate family; (b) repeatedly contact another person to annoy or harass, whether or not any actual message is communicated, and the recipient has expressed a desire for the contact to cease; (c) repeatedly contact another person regarding a matter for which one does not have a legal right to communicate (such as debt collection), once the recipient has provided reasonable notice that he or she desires such contact to cease; (d) disrupt or damage the academic, research, administrative, or related pursuits of another person; or (e) invade the privacy, academic or otherwise, of another person or threaten such an invasion.
  3. Users shall comply with this policy as well as the regulations and policies of newsgroups, lists, and other public forums through which they disseminate messages.
  4. Users shall not (a) initiate or propagate electronic chain letters; (b) engage in spamming or other indiscriminate mass mailings to newsgroups, mailing lists, or individuals; (c) forge communications to make them appear to originate from another person, e.g., spoofing; or (d) engage in resource-intensive activities unrelated to College functions, e.g., online role playing games (RPGs), listening to internet radio stations, connecting to any peer-to-peer file sharing network, etc.
  1. Priority in Use of Computing Facilities
    1. In College libraries and general-access computer labs, or in any other environment in which users must share computing resources, priority shall be given to users engaged in activities directly related to the College’s mission, e.g., completing course assignments or engaging in research. The libraries and computer labs may adopt regulations to implement this policy and to encourage cooperation among users of the same equipment.
    2. Use of electronic messaging systems for non- course work is not permitted in libraries and general-access computer labs when others are waiting to use the equipment.
  1. Enforcement of Sanctions
  1. System administrators are responsible for protecting the system and users from abuses of this policy. Pursuant to this duty, system administrators may (1) formally or informally discuss the matter with the offending party, (2) temporarily revoke or modify access privileges, or (3) refer the matter to the appropriate disciplinary authority.
  2. Any violation of this policy may result in the revocation or suspension of access privileges. Imposition of such a sanction is within the discretion of the DISS or the appropriate academic or administrative unit.
  3. Any violation of this policy is misconduct for purposes of the student code of conduct, the College personnel policies and may be punished accordingly.
  4. Any offense that violates local, state, or federal laws may result in immediate loss of College computing and network privileges and may be referred to the appropriate College disciplinary authority and/or law enforcement

UA Cossatot allows students to apply for academic clemency in certain situations. Under the provisions of academic clemency, students may petition to have previously earned grades and credits removed from the calculations of their cumulative grade point average. If granted, those forgiven credits will not count towards graduation. Transcripts must contain a student’s comprehensive academic record and these courses will show up on that transcript.

In order to qualify for academic clemency:

  • A student must not have been enrolled in any institution of higher education for at least three years prior to the request. Having been granted academic clemency at another institution does not disqualify a student requesting academic clemency at UA Cossatot.
  • Returning students may petition for clemency upon application for admission or upon enrollment. The clemency will not take effect unless the student completes at least the next 12 semester hours of credit with a 2.0 GPA.
  • Clemency is granted on a semester-by-semester basis with all grades in a semester being eliminated. In some cases, it may serve a student better to retake some classes in which poor grades were earned, rather than to eliminate all previous credit from that semester.
  • Students must submit petitions, available at Apply and Enroll/Current Students, for academic clemency to the Vice Chancellor for Academic Services.

Clemency petitions will not be accepted until all admission documentation is complete and there is no outstanding debt.

In compliance with the Clean Air on Campus Act of 2009, all UA Cossatot students, faculty, staff, contractors and visitors to campus are expected to comply with this policy and state law. Members of the campus community are empowered to respectfully inform others about the policy to enhance awareness and encourage compliance and may report violations to UA Cossatot Police.

  1.  Smoking and the use of tobacco products (including cigarettes, cigars, pipes, smokeless tobacco, and other tobacco products), as well as the use of electronic cigarettes, by students, employees, contractors, and visitors, are prohibited on all college property including buildings, grounds,  athletic facilities, parking areas, and within vehicles located on college property.

  2. Littering campus with remains of tobacco or smoking-related products is prohibited.

  3. All those attending public events, such as conferences, meetings, public lectures, social events, cultural events, and sporting events using UA Cossatot facilities shall be required to abide by this policy; organizers shall communicate this policy to attendees and shall enforce the policy.

  4. Use of, or possession, of illegal substances is prohibited on and within all UA Cossatot property or property leased by UA Cossatot. Campus police and/or local law enforcement will be alerted if suspected possession or if an individual is suspected to be under the influence. Students and employees under the influence are subject to disciplinary actions. Resources, such as drug detection canine units, may be utilized to ensure a drug-free space. Should a canine unit alert on personal property, permission will be requested to search the property. If permission is denied, a warrant will be requested. No permission to search is required for UA Cossatot property, such as desks, office space, or classrooms.

  5. The possession or use of alcohol is prohibited on and within all UA Cossatot property. Campus police and/or local law enforcement will be alerted if suspected possession or if an individual is suspected to be under the influence. Students and employees under the influence are subject to disciplinary actions.

UA Cossatot provides parking on campus for student vehicles. A parking hangtag displayed from the rear view mirror of vehicles is required for all credit students taking classes on campus. See a campus police officer to obtain a permit. Tickets may be issued to students without proper hangtags.